My Favorite Radiohead Songs and Why I Love Them

Radiohead is one of my favorite bands of all time. Choosing my top five Radiohead songs of all time is no easy task. After much brainstorming, I concluded that my top five Radiohead songs are "Creep" (Pablo Honey, 1993), "Lurgee" (Pablo Honey, 1993), "Bulletproof... I Wish I Was" (The Bends, 1995), "Everything In Its Right Place" (Kid A, 2000), and "How to Disappear Completely" (Kid A, 2000). Please continue reading to know why these are my favorites. Also, leave a comment to let me know your favorite Radiohead songs!

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Songs like “All I Need,” “Weird Fishes,” and “Exit Music (For A Film)” are also timeless masterpieces!